A downloadable tool for Android

A very simple text viewer for smartwatches running Android, perfect for keeping short, vital notes.  Specially tested on Amazfit Pace and Stratos.

Important: Please read the Terms of Use inside the app.


watchnotes.apk 551 kB

Install instructions

1) Download android ADB tools from here :


2) Download watchnotes.apk and either copy to adb location of put adb tool location in your %PATH%.

3) Connect your smartwatch to any USB port on your computer.

4) Run the following command on your console to check if the system recognizes your device:

adb devices

4) In command line, type the following command to install the application: 

adb install -r watchnotes.apk  

5) If this app does not suit your needs, you can uninstall it using adb again as follows:

adb uninstall nick.nikitaris.watchnotes

Important: Please read the Terms of Use inside the app.